What To Eat When You Crave Chocolate


Food cravings can be quite strong. Healthy eating and weight loss may also be affected by them. Many people have a strong desire for chocolate at some point in their lives. We can’t, however, dispute that eating too much chocolate can be bad for you. So, when you’re craving chocolate, what are your options?

Continue reading to learn more about craving chocolates.

Why is chocolate so addictive

Having a yearning for chocolate is common, but can we become dependent on it? Can these intense dietary desires be categorized as an addiction?

Rather than hunger, we often seek food in response to environmental cues and our emotional condition. Prior to cravings, we frequently feel bored, nervous, or miserable. Consequently, self-medication for unpleasant feelings may be one cause of cravings.

Women most frequently want for chocolate as a food. Many women identify as “chocoholics,” who contend that chocolate is habit-forming, instantly makes them feel good, and that abstinence results in withdrawal symptoms.

Serotonin is produced when we consume sweet and high-fat foods, such as chocolate, and it helps us feel happy. Some of the desires associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and premenstrual syndrome are explained.

Moreover, chocolate contains some physiologically active compounds that, similar to other addictive substances, may induce aberrant behaviors and emotional states.

💡 Chocolate has components that make it “addictive” besides sugar and fat. Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin. Chocolate increases brain chemical enkephalin.

What are you lacking if you crave chocolate

Whether you are doing the laundry, shopping, or working, a need for chocolate can strike at any time. However, this isn’t only because we’re in the desire for something sweet; chocolate cravings can be triggered by a range of events, such as:

  • You restrict yourself excessively.
  • You’re anxious.
  • You have cravings for fat and sugar.
  • You’re after some caffeine.
  • You are not consuming sufficient magnesium.

Is chocolate withdrawal a thing

Everyone craves chocolate because we all grew up loving it. Some stress-eat chocolate, while others do it often. Most of us don’t know that chocolate can cause addiction, which has drawbacks.

💡 As your insulin sensitivity stabilizes, you may suffer withdrawal symptoms like headaches, tiredness, and irritability. Fill up on fiber and protein-rich foods.

Like any other addiction, chocolate addiction has withdrawal symptoms, the most common being headaches comparable to caffeine withdrawal; drink lots of water. Stress and low blood sugar can cause tremors. Try herbal tea to relax.

To relieve discomfort and flu-like symptoms, take a warm bath with Epsom salts, which drains toxins from the body.

What should I eat if I crave chocolate

One thing is certain: chocolate is delicious. Chocolate should be enjoyed in moderation. When your brain begs for sugar, what can you do? Chocolate Cravings: What to Eat? Here are some ways to avoid the post-chocolate sugar slump:

  1. Stay full with protein

This indicates you need something that satisfies your hunger and lasts. Greek yogurt, peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, beef jerky, cottage cheese, tuna, and protein bars are slow-digesting.

💡 A high-protein diet has 20% or more of daily calories from protein. Heavy protein diets are high in saturated fat and low in carbs. A high-protein diet includes lean beef, chicken, pork, salmon and tuna, eggs, and soy.

  1. Foods with high-magnesium

Insufficient magnesium may create chocolate cravings, but most people don’t receive enough. Health concern. Deficient magnesium can cause cramping, high blood pressure, apathy, weariness, and osteoporosis.

  1. Healthier snacks

If you’re hungry, a protein-packed snack is best, but sometimes you want a treat. When craving chocolate, choose healthier snacks. Ignoring cravings all too frequently leads to bingeing. Select a low-calorie chocolate treat.

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is another chocolate substitute (not to mention a good source of minerals, vitamins, and beneficial live probiotics). For fullness and chocolate cravings, a high-protein option is recommended. Choose a protein-rich food with 20 grams per serving.

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